Quick Start Guide

Use this step-by-step guide to learn the process of installing and configuring the system, as well as utilizing its plugins.

System Installation

Install the system on the computer:

System Setup

Once the system is installed, configure it for optimal performance. Open the Settings section in the left menu and make the necessary adjustments:

Plugin Installation

To install the required plugins:

  1. Open the Plugin Marketplace item
  2. Go to the Marketplace tab
  3. Click the Install button next to the desired plugin
For more information on managing plugins, refer to the Plugin Marketplace documentation.

License Activation

To activate the time-limited license:

  1. Open the License item
  2. Click the Activate License button. In the pop-up window:
    • Select the activation method
    • Fill in the required fields
    • Activate the license
  • The default Trial License grants access to one video stream per plugin.
  • Refer to the License documentation for further details on managing licenses.

Google Maps API Key (Optionally)

To add the Google Maps API key:

  1. Open the General item
  2. Select Google Maps API Key tab
  3. Paste the previously obtained Google Maps API key into the corresponding field
  4. Click the Save button

Video Stream

To add a video stream:

  1. Open the Video Streams item
  2. Select the Camera button in the Folders block
  3. Configure the parameters in the Add Stream block
  4. Click the Save button
To learn more about managing video streams, refer to the Video Streams documentation.


To check server parameters:

  1. Open the Servers item
  2. Review the server load data
For more information on server parameters, consult the Servers documentation.


To launch the analytics:

  1. Open the required plugin section in the left menu
  2. Select the Analytics item
  3. Click the Create Analytics button and configure the new analytics:
    • Set the parameters as required
    • Save the settings
  4. Click the Start button to run the analytics
The User Manual provides detailed information on managing system settings and plugins.