IncoreSoft VEZHA Integration Documentation


Welcome to the IncoreSoft VEZHA Integration Documentation!

The Integration Documentation offers comprehensive guidelines for integrating our advanced analytics system with third-party software. This documentation empowers users to leverage the full potential of VEZHA through seamless integration, enabling enhanced functionality and communication between various systems.


The Integration Documentation includes:

  • Event Manager Guide, which presents clear and detailed instructions for connecting the IncoreSoft VEZHA Analytics System with third-party software. This guide outlines the necessary steps to enable smooth event communication, ensuring seamless information exchange with external systems through the Event Manager.
  • General Integration Overview, which guides users on integrating the VEZHA Analytics System with external components through various methods tailored for different purposes.
  • CamTrace Web Integration Guide, which offers detailed instructions for seamlessly integrating VEZHA Analytics System with CamTrace VMS. This guide provides step-by-step procedures to enable smooth integration and usage of VEZHA plugins through Widgets.
  • Milestone Integration Manual, which provides detailed instructions for integrating IncoreSoft VEZHA plugins into Milestone XProtect VMS. This section guides users through the installation and configuration process, facilitating the smooth integration and usage of VEZHA plugins.
  • NX Web Integration Guide, which comprises comprehensive information about VEZHA Analytics System web integration with NX VMS. This guide outlines the necessary steps to enable smooth integration and usage of VEZHA plugins through the Web Pages.
  • Swagger Documentation, which presents a detailed API reference for developers seeking to integrate the IncoreSoft VEZHA Analytics System with custom applications. This comprehensive resource outlines the API endpoints, parameters, authentication methods, and response formats, facilitating seamless integration and rapid application development.