General Integration Overview


This overview guides users on integrating the IncoreSoft VEZHA Analytics System with diverse external components. Explore the outlined methods to seamlessly incorporate the VEZHA system into existing infrastructure, enhancing overall functionality and efficiency.

Integration Methods

There are three integration methods to retrieve data from the IncoreSoft VEZHA Analytics System:

  1. Event Manager: Data transmission from the system occurs through the Event Manager in JSON/XML/POST data formats, contingent on the capability of third-party software to receive these formats. In cases where data reception in the specified formats is not possible, the development of a proxy connector becomes necessary to adapt the data for seamless integration with third-party software.
  2. API: The VEZHA system is equipped with an API, enabling potential independent interaction for third-party software to retrieve data and execute further actions.
  3. External DB: Integration with an external database, such as MySQL, may involve the utilization of connectors within third-party software. These connectors facilitate direct interaction with external databases, simplifying the process of handling data.
  • Refer to the Event Manager documentation for detailed information on optimizing its use to achieve optimal results based on specific objectives.
  • Review the Swagger Documentation for helpful guidance on maximizing the API's effectiveness based on specific requirements.