Linux: 1 PC System Installation

Follow this step-by-step guide to install the system components on a single server running Linux/Ubuntu 20.04.


  • Before starting the installation, ensure that the operating system is Ubuntu 20.04 Server (64-bit). Other Ubuntu versions are not supported.
  • Use only Intel CPUs with AVX2 and SSE4.2 for the proper functioning of the VEZHA Analytics System. AMD CPUs are not supported.
  • Install and configure MySQL/PostgreSQL/MSSQL before proceeding with the analytics system installation to establish a connection to the server. For instructions on installing MySQL DB Management System, refer to the MySQL Installation Guide.
  • Maintain a stable internet connection during the software installation process. After the installation is complete, disconnect the internet if desired.
  • During the installation process, all necessary drivers will be downloaded and installed automatically. Do not pre-install any drivers.
  • After the system installation, it is crucial to disable automatic package updates following the Disable Automatic Updates guidelines. Additionally, manual package updates must be strictly avoided. Failure to adhere to this instruction may result in the improper functioning of the system.

To initiate the system installation, navigate to the Installation Files section in the Partners Portal and select either the Linux CPU Server Analytics block or the Linux GPU Server Analytics block to view and download the required installation files.

  • The installation files for system version 23.3 have been unified for both CPU and CPU+GPU versions.
  • The Process Runner installer includes files for installing Process Runner itself, as well as all analytical components.

To enhance access rights before working with archives in Linux, run the command in the command line:

sudo -i

To obtain the necessary archives, input the command in the command line for each required archive as shown in the example:

Middleware Core:
wget <full_link_from_distr_website>/23.3/incoresoft-middleware-core.tgz

Proccess Runner:
wget <full_link_from_distr_website>/23.3/incoresoft-process-runner.tgz

Press Enter and wait patiently until the file download is completed.

For a comprehensive installation, download the following files:

Middleware Core:

Process Runner:

Unpack each file archive individually:

Middleware Core:
tar -xzf incoresoft-middleware-core.tgz       

Process Runner:
tar -xzf incoresoft-process-runner.tgz

Middleware Core Installation

To install the Middleware Core, execute the following command:


Then, open the corresponding URL:

  • If the system was installed on the current PC, use http://localhost:2001/
  • If the system was remotely installed on a server, use http://ip:2001/ where IP is the IP address of the server

Within the Database block, perform the following steps:

  • Choose the appropriate DB type from the drop-down list:
    • Internal DB for small projects with up to 20 analytics and low server load
    • MySQL/PostgreSQL/MSSQL for larger projects with over 20 analytics
  • Fill in the necessary fields for the DB connection (applicable only for MySQL/PostgreSQL/MSSQL type):
    • In the Host field, specify the IP address of the server with the preinstalled and configured DB
    • In the Login field, enter the login credentials for accessing the DB
    • In the Password field, provide the password associated with the DB login
  • Click the Connection Test button to verify the DB connection. A successful connection will be indicated by a green Connection toggle. For the Internal DB type, this step will also create the database, which will be indicated by a green Database toggle
  • Click the Save and Reload button to save the current settings and restart the service
  • If there are plans to expand the system to a server cluster in the future, selecting MySQL is preferable.
  • The Root Login and Password are used only once during the initial setup to create a limited internal user for working with MySQL.

Wait while the system checks for installed middleware plugins:

Once the webpage reloads, use the default user login and password to access the system:

  • Login: admin
  • Password: admin

Process Runner Installation

To install the Process Runner, execute the following command:


For the Server ID in Cluster field, keep the default value and click the Ok button:

In the installation dialog that follows, input "localhost" to indicate the server with preinstalled Middleware Core, and then click the Ok button:

Once the installation of Process Runner and analytics components is finished, it is necessary to restart the computer to ensure proper operation of the NVIDIA graphics card drivers.

Use the default user login and password to access the system:

  • Login: admin
  • Password: admin

To verify the analytical server is installed correctly, after the installation of Process Runner and all analytics components, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings section in the left menu
  2. Select the Servers item
  3. Check if the new analytical server has been successfully added to the server table

The initial system setup is now complete.

Once the Process Runner and all analytics components are properly installed, it is essential to install the corresponding plugins. To learn more about plugin installation, refer to the Plugin Marketplace documentation.

Disable Automatic Updates

To disable automatic package updates, access the file via the command line:

nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades

Modify the contents of the file as follows:


APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";

APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";


APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "0";

APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages "0";

APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval "0";

APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "0";

Make sure that all values are set to 0. Save the changes.