Linux: System Backup and Restoration
Backup Process
Step 1: (Optional) Deactivate the license.
If you are migrating to a new server, navigate to the License item of the Settings section and deactivate the license on the old server. The license deactivation process is described in the Deactivate License documentation.
Step 2: Stop IncoreSoft Middleware-Core Service:
systemctl stop incoresoft-middleware-core.service
Step 3: Make a copy of the Storage and Images directories:
- The Storage directory's default location is: opt/incoresoft/storage
- The Images directory's default location is: opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/images
Step 4: Make a backup of the database:
- If you use the internal database, make a copy of the "" database file located by default at opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/
- If you use an external database, make a backup for the "videoanalytics" database. Follow the backup/restore instructions provided by the external database vendor.
Step 5: (Optional) Additionally, make a copy of the Qdrant directories if you use Face Recognition, Object Detection, Smart Tracking System, or Smart VA plugins:
Stop IncoreSoft Qdrant Service:
systemctl stop qdrant.service
Make a copy of the Qdrant Snapshot and Qdrant Storage directories:
- The Snapshot directory's default location is: opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/bin/qdrant/snapshot
- The Storage directory's default location is: opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/bin/qdrant/storage
Step 6: Restart services:
IncoreSoft Middleware-Core Service:
systemctl start incoresoft-middleware-core.service
IncoreSoft Qdrant Service (if it was stopped):
systemctl start qdrant.service
Restoration Process
Step 1: Install the Analytics System.
Follow the installation guide to install the Analytics System on the new Linux server:
Step 2: Install the same database.
Make sure to install the same type of database on the new server as was used on the old server.
Step 3: Configure the database.
Open the Analytics System web interface and configure the database to match the type used on the old server. Save the settings and authorize the system.
Step 4: Update Middleware Core version.
Open the Settings section, navigate to the Updates item, and check for available Middleware Core version updates. If an update is available, update the Middleware Core to the latest version.
Step 5: Stop IncoreSoft Middleware-Core Service:
systemctl stop incoresoft-middleware-core.service
Step 6: (Optional) Additionally, proceed with the following steps if you are going to use Face Recognition, Object Detection, Smart Tracking System, or Smart VA plugins:
Stop IncoreSoft Qdrant Service:
systemctl stop qdrant.service
Delete the contents of the Qdrant Snapshot and Qdrant Storage directories:
- The Snapshot directory's default location is: opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/bin/qdrant/snapshot
- The Storage directory's default location is: opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/bin/qdrant/storage
Copy the previously backed-up Qdrant Snapshot and Qdrant Storage directories' data to the respective directories on the new server.
Restart IncoreSoft Qdrant Service:
systemctl start qdrant.service
Step 7: Copy all the backed-up data from the old server to the new server:
- The Storage directory's default location is: opt/incoresoft/storage
- The Images directory's default location is: opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/images
Step 8: Restore database.
- If you use the internal database, replace the "" database file located by default at opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/ with the backed-up file.
- If you use an external database, load the "videoanalytics" database dump into the new database. Follow the backup/restore instructions provided by the external database vendor.
Step 9: Restart IncoreSoft Middleware-Core Service:
systemctl start incoresoft-middleware-core.service
Step 10: (Optional) Activate the license.
If you previously deactivated the license, navigate to the License item of the Settings section and reactivate your license with an online or offline license activation method:
Step 11: Install all required plugins.
Navigate to the Plugin Marketplace item in the Settings section and install all required plugins from the Marketplace tab.