Linux: MySQL Installation Guide

Follow this step-by-step guide to install MySQL on the Linux/Ubuntu 20.04 operating system.


MySQL is a widely recognized and highly popular Database Management System (DBMS) that is frequently utilized for storing data on websites of various complexities. It is valued for its ease of installation and initial setup, as well as its robust functionality and user-friendly nature. Due to its widespread usage, MySQL is readily available in the standard repositories of many Linux distributions and also in the FreeBSD ports system.

Ensure that the operating system is Ubuntu 20.04 Server (64-bit).

To enhance access rights before the installation in Linux, run the command in the command line:

sudo -i

MySQL Installation

To install MySQL, update the package index on the server by running the following command:

apt update

Install mysql-server package by running the following command:

apt install mysql-server

Ensure that the server is running by the following command:

systemctl start mysql.service

MySQL Configuration

To configure MySQL, open the MySQL prompt by running the command:


Execute the following command to select an authentication method for the root user that requires a password:

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
Substitute the word "password" with any preferable password and press Enter.

Upon completing this modification, exit the MySQL prompt using the following command:


Time Zone Configuration

To install time zone support in MySQL, execute the following command:

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql
Type the previously configured MySQL root password and press Enter.

Encoding Configuration

To configure the encoding, open the file at the command line:

nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Add the following lines at the very end of the file within the [mysqld] section:


Save the changes.

Restart MySQL by running the following command:

systemctl restart mysql.service

Middleware Core Reconfiguration

Make the following changes only if you intend to reconfigure the Middleware Core from the current DB type to MySQL. Please note that in this process, all data from the current DB will be lost.

Open the middleware root folder on the server with the installed Middleware Core by using the following command:

cd /opt/incoresoft/middleware-core/

Remove the config.json file in the opened folder by using the following command:

rm config.json

Restart the middleware service by executing the following command:

systemctl restart incoresoft-middleware-core.service

After restarting the middleware service, reboot the webpage by accessing the following URL:

  • If the Middleware Core was installed on the current PC, use http://localhost:2001/
  • If the Middleware Core was installed on a remote server, use http://ip:2001/ where IP is the IP address of the server where the Middleware Core was remotely installed

Within the Database block, perform the following steps:

  • Select the MySQL DB type from the drop-down list
  • Fill in the necessary fields for the MySQL connection:
    • In the Host field, specify the IP address of the server with the preinstalled and configured MySQL
    • Enter the login credentials for the MySQL database (usually "root")
    • Provide the password associated with the MySQL login
  • Click the Connection Test button to verify the DB connection. A successful connection is indicated by a green Connection toggle
The Root Login and Password are used only during the initial setup to create a limited internal user for working with the database.

Proceed to the next step without configuring the NATS block. Click the Save and Reload button to save the current settings and restart the service:

Reboot the webpage and log in to the system. The Middleware Core reconfiguration process is now complete, and the MySQL database has been successfully connected.