

Use this guide to understand the interface and features of the Port/Logistics plugin and learn how to utilize it for the best result.

What is Port/Logistics?

Port/Logistics is designed to provide comprehensive logistics analysis by processing the detection and recognition results from other video analytics: LPR and UIC & Container. It integrates the results from entrance and exit cameras recognizing vehicle license plate numbers (LPR) and up to five cameras recognizing container numbers and ISO codes (UIC & Container) to deliver a detailed logistics analysis.

This comprehensive analysis ensures that all logistics data is accurately captured and presented, enhancing operational efficiency and tracking capabilities in port and logistics operations.

Primary Capabilities

Port/Logistics is capable of:

  • Processing detection and recognition results from LPR and UIC & Container video analytics.
  • Collecting vehicle data such as license plate number, color, make, model, type, and country of registration from LPR video analytics.
  • Collecting trailer plate numbers from LPR video analytics.
  • Collecting container numbers and ISO codes from UIC & Container video analytics.
  • Providing the date and time of logistics analysis entry once LPR and UIC & Container analytics data is collected, along with all relevant vehicle and container information.
  • Generating reports in PDF and CSV formats. The PDF reports can include frames of the license and trailer plates as well as full frames of the vehicles carrying containers.