UIC & Container: Search

This page comprises the Search item overview and functionality description. The item displays the UIC/wagon/container search results including a number, ISO code (for containers only), date and time, camera data, and a frame with a recognized object.


To open the Search item, in the left menu:

  1. Select the UIC & Container section
  2. Choose the Search item
  3. See recognized numbers search

Use and Functionality

The Search functional menu allows to:

  • Enter the UIC number to filter search results
  • Select the required time frame
  • Click the Camera parameter to choose the desired video analytics. In the pop-up window:
    1. Check the boxes next to the required video analytics and folders
    2. Click the Select Video Analytics button
  • Click the Search button to start filtering
  • Click the Reset button to clear the filters
  • Click the Select by Radius button to set the area for search. In the pop-up window:
    1. Enter the radius in kilometers
    2. Click the map at the desired spot to set the center of the search circle
    3. Select the Search button

Once selected and filtered, in the search results:

  • View the recognized UIC, wagon, or container number, and the exact time the object has been identified by the selected camera
  • View the camera location on the map by clicking the corresponding icon in the Camera column
  • View the recognized ISO code for containers
  • Click the row in the table with the desired number to see the frame with an object preview
  • Select the enlargement icon in the upper-right corner of the frame preview. In the pop-up window:
    • See the extended recognized object data
    • Use frame view tools:
      • Zoom Out icon (-) to zoom out from a specific area of the frame
      • Zoom In icon (+) to zoom in on a specific area of the frame
      • Reset View icon (~) to reset the frame to its original size and position
      • Target icon to zoom in on the detected object in the frame
      • Enlargement icon to open the frame in full-screen (in the full-screen press the Esc button to return to default view)
    • Hover the mouse over the Extra Options icon and click the Save Image button to download the frame in full size
  • ISO code is recognized only for containers with visible ISO codes.
  • Click and drag the image across the zoomed-in frame in order to view different parts of it.